One of the hardest parts about perfectionism is that it can mess with your feelings of self worth. In this episode, Janine and Shannon discuss how your value as a person has nothing to do with how perfectly you do things.
Discussion topics include:
- Early spring in Portland and St. Louis!
- One of the difficult things about perfectionism: Feeling bad about not being able to be perfect
- How some people can really beat themselves up over imperfection
- How hard it is to get over this when you’re caught up in it
- The valuable message from KC Davis of Struggle Care
- How a messy house is value neutral
- Starting to consider the possibility that your struggles don’t make you a bad person
- How your worth doesn’t change based on how perfectly you do things
- How recognizing that your actions don’t define you can calm down your nervous system
- The debilitating effect of letting perfectionism dictate your self worth
- How things can be organized and still a little messy
- Thinking of yourself as a good person independent of the state of things around you or your unfinished task list
- Entertaining the idea that it’s okay to be imperfect
- The heart of our podcast: We want people to feel good about themselves and be okay with however they are
Here’s a photo of the card Shannon painted featuring the early-blooming daphne in her yard. It bloomed in January!
- K.C. Davis’s Struggle Care website
- The Bob Newhart “Stop It!” clip