Janine and Shannon have been selecting a Word of the Year for years. In this episode we reveal our 2022 Words of the Year and discuss the power of having a special word to guide you each year.
Discussion topics include:
- The weather. Spoiler alert: It’s cold but our electric cars started up like the champs they are!
- Janine’s love of having a Word of the Year–she’s had one every year since at least 2013
- The mistake Janine made in 2019 by selecting three words of the year
- Christine Kane’s Word of the Year selection tool
- Shannon’s 2022 Word of the Year: Encourage
- Janine’s 2022 Word of the Year: Generosity
- Our excitement over adding categories to our YNAB budgets based on our words
- How having a Word of the Year helps you frame your decisions and priorities
- The adhesive power of a really good Word of the Year
- The Word of the Year selection process from Cultivate What Matters
- Choosing a word that helps you move toward, rather than away, from something
- Words of the Year designed to help yourself vs help others
- Trying on a prospective Word of the Year for size