Back in 2009, Shannon and Janine created Declutter Happy Hour. It started as a teleclass then morphed into an ecourse before we retired it. It ended up being a precursor to this podcast.
We were thrilled to be invited by our friends at Fly Paper to bring Declutter Happy Hour back to life, this time via Zoom!
Declutter Happy Hour infuses the decluttering process with a secret ingredient: mindset change (plus fun and laughter).
Each of the four sessions starts with a discussion led by Janine and Shannon about an important aspect of the decluttering process and the mindset shift that goes with it.
Then, during the class, you get time to work on a decluttering project. We are with you the whole way to answer any questions and provide support and encouragement.
By the end of a month of Declutter Happy Hours you’ll have let go of more than just stuff and you’ll have the tools to take on decluttering projects on your own!
The four-session series runs Wednesdays in February, at 4pm PST/6pm CST. Grab your seat at eventbrite before it sells out (space is limited to ensure your questions get answered)!
We’re super excited to see (some of) you in February!