Shannon and Janine are both taking trips the first week in September that require a good deal of preparation. This week we discuss how we’ve been trying to be plan productively without letting perfectionism hold us up.
Discussion topics include:
- The paradox of 2020: How can it only be September and also how is it September already?
- How we’re trying not to let perfectionism get in the of planning our upcoming trips
- Shannon’s trip next week from to eastern Oregon towing an RV behind her SUV
- Janine’s upcoming 29-hour drive from St. Louis to eastern for her father’s 90th birthday
- How Janine is using Trello to help her plan what to pack for her journey
- How taking away the unknowns and breaking down the trip into days helped Janine get her arms around the long trip
- How it’s so easy to spin your wheels while trying to prepare when there’s uncertainty involved
- Shannon’s Post-it note trip planning method
- Planning routes based on elevation (so smart!)
- Covering contingencies with a paper map!
- The difference between worrying about things you can’t control and thinking about those things you can control
- How one’s perception of a situation can influence its reality
- Furkot, the -trip planner Janine used to determine where to spend the night
- Episode 116: Marginal Value, in which Janine tries to figure out whether to drive or to Walla Walla
- Stitcher, the app Janine used to create a great podcast episode playlist for her trip
Boy, your travel styles are different from mine! In 1997, I threw a tent, a sleeping bag, and my dog into my convertible and took off on a four-month, 18,000-mile road trip through the American West. Not one reservation, and I had never camped a day in my life unless you count Brownie camp. Also, when I ran out of gas in front of the Alaska Marine Highway ferry terminal, I decided it was a sign and went to Alaska for three weeks. I called my mom and asked her if she wanted to come and she said, “Always.” She hopped on a plane that day. Actually, whenever my mother and I traveled together, we would get in the car and say, “Medicine? Check. Money? Check. Credit Cards? Check. If we forgot anything, we can buy it on the road.”