Show Notes

Episode 86: Anti-perfectionist Hacks


In recording this episode week after week, certain themes keep coming up in Shannon and Janine’s conversations. This episode, we distill them down to four hacks: (1) getting in touch with what’s important to you; (2) asking yourself, “Is it good enough?”; (3) noticing when you’re in perfectionist mode and (4) recognizing that something is better than nothing.

Discussion topics include:

  • Pot stickers!
  • Getting in touch with what’s important to you
  • Avoiding overindulgence by getting in touch with what’s important to you in the near future
  • Asking yourself “Is it good enough?”
  • Noticing when you’re in perfectionist mode
  • Asking yourself, “Are you putting in more time than this project merits?”
  • Shannon’s pride over not correcting the texts she sends
  • How having a word of the year can help you get in touch with what’s important to you
  • Janine and Shannon’s 2020 words of the year
  • What a big year 2020 will be
  • How overwhelm or resistance can be clues that you’re in perfectionistic mode
  • Remembering that something is better than nothing (and done is better than perfect!)
  • Our quest for musical submissions from our users


3 thoughts on “Episode 86: Anti-perfectionist Hacks”

  1. You are unaware of the potsticker Paradigm? No matter how many you eat, there will ALWAYS be 3% more space available. They are the perfect food.

    We appreciate your sacrifice for the podcast

  2. I have GOT to get out to Walla Walla and try those potstickers! My favorite anti-perfectionist hack is repeating to myself Janine’s mantra, “Let It Be Easy.” You have no idea how helpful that is to me. I also like “Done Is Better than Perfect” and “Something Is Better than Nothing.”

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