Show Notes

Episode 112: Mid-Year Refresh

It’s July already (finally?) and Janine and Shannon revisited the goals they set way back at the end of 2019. This week we discuss the value of taking some time to visit, and perhaps refresh, our goals in this year that took such an unexpected turn.

Discussion topics include:

  • The paradox of 2020: It seems impossible that it’s the middle of the year already, yet the first half of the year feels like it lasted for years.
  • Checking out goals set at the end of 2019 (for first time since 2019)
  • Janine’s surprise that the majority of her goals are being accomplished without her intentional action
  • The value of putting goals into cogent enough form that they can be written down
  • Taking the time to revisit and/or refresh your goals to help you achieve them
  • How some of our goals have to be retired (or reframed) because of the pandemic
  • How Shannon’s word for the year, Cultivate, was unexpectedly manifested in the form of cultivating a garden!
  • My Virtual Journey, the app Shannon used to adapt her travel goal in the current reality
  • It’s not too late to set goals now if you didn’t set any at the beginning of the year
  • Setting specific goals and tasks vs setting goals for how you want to feel


1 thought on “Episode 112: Mid-Year Refresh”

  1. I plan to do your Goal Setting exercise this December. What is working for me right now is that once a week, early Sunday evening, I do a Weekly Review. (I do a Daily Review every evening where I write down the next day’s appointments, tasks, calls, etc.) In my Weekly Review, I think about what goals I would like to set for myself long- and short-term.

    What I would like to accomplish or where I’d like to be in 5 years:
    What I would like to accomplish or where I’d like to be in 4 months:
    What I would like to accomplish or where I’d like to be in 3 weeks:
    What I would like to accomplish or where I’d like to be in 2 days:
    What I would like to accomplish or where I’d like to be in 1 hour:

    It helps me to realize that the biggest goals start with the smallest step. I can make a plan for how I am going to spend that hour in pursuit of a long-term goal, whether it’s reading, researching, or doing.

    I am not sure where I got this idea from…maybe it was GTGE! But it really helps me.

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